a C R E A T I V E
[ alexander dot co ]
intentio pro hodie cras
“one can google it . . . but in essence . . . that is my founding quote, founADtion, and principal for my “brand” that translates to : ‘designing for today’s tomorrow’.
As a creative : i AM Alexander AD . . . an artist, designer, chef, writer, photographer, film producer and creative visionary. All those facets are realized under my brand umbrella alexander dot co which also reflects the namesake website alexander.co
My establishing my brand was a natural platform for which to release my creative works be it in the mediums of [ tangible ] items of art, sculpture, jewelry, furniture, home accessories, tools, widgets, cuisine or [ intangible ] yet resonate ie: photography, film, music, interior and exterior design, perfume . . . and beyond.”
W E L C O M E to my world of Jewelry . . .

b r i l l i a n t ᴬᴰ
b r i l l i a n t ᴬᴰ
b r i l l i a n t ᴬᴰ b r i l l i a n t ᴬᴰ
bril-liant adj
extremely bright or radiant
vividly colored
shows exceptional skill and talent
distinguished by excellence
imposing in splendor and magnificence
adj interij
used to express to express great satisfaction with somebody or something (informal)
Encarta World English Dictionary
c o n n e c t
There is no beginning or end, only updates and reminders to inspire and be inspired always in all ways [ intentio pro hodie cras ]
TheL o c a t i o n
The perfect place to vibe in the vibrant discourse of all things past, present and future.
N 34° 1' 23.0376" * W 118° 49' 54.7266"
90°N * 90°S
between heaven and earth exists imagination ...
THEC o l l e c t i o n
to covet ᴬᴻᴰ steward for your moment in time of your journey . . . before giving it away